Friday, July 14, 2017

The Playboy President and Women's Health

Today, the New York Times published an editorial concerning the future of women's health under the Trump administration. President Trump, who has a well-known history as a "womanizer", has been noted as the most hostile president toward reproductive rights. Back in February, during a debate, he stated that millions of women affected by cervical and breast cancer were helped by Planned Parenthood. Despite this admission, President Trump has already started his mission of defunding Planned Parenthood by reinstating a policy that cut off foreign funding for planned parenthood. He has also employed several anti-abortion, anti-contraceptive advocates. These series of actions are seen as shocking and hypocritical when his past discretions are considered. He has also shown no sign of helping in the fight against H.I.V./AIDS. The draft of his new budget would cut funding for AIDS relief by more than $1 billion dollars.
The information brought forth in this article concerns everyone, not just women or those who sympathize with the pro-choice cause. This should also worry those who are anti-abortion because the president does not correspond to their values.  

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